Do You Think You’re Valuable?

What do you find valuable? Maybe an heirloom that’s been treasured for generations in your family? Or maybe a new car, with all the latest technology in it? Or perhaps you look at something less material as valuable, like social status or popularity? Now think...

8 Reality Checks To Keep You On Your Purity Game

It is easy to say you’re going to stop watching porn; but it’s much harder to actually do it. So, with that in mind, here are 8 tips for setting goals and sticking to them, specifically for goals to pursue purity and freedom from sexual sin. 

1) Rely on...

Follow Joseph Out the Door: A Modern Bible Story

How often are you tempted to sin sexually? How often do you want to look at porn? 

These are tough questions to answer honestly, but here are a couple more that can be even tougher: What is your response to this temptation? Do you give into your desires or do you...

6 Boundaries to Keep Your Desires in Check

We live in an “I think therefore I am” kind of world, though personally, I resonate with what James K. A. Smith wrote: “I love therefore I am.” At any rate, here is what I know: personally I am driven (sometimes maddeningly so) by my desires. Yes, I live from the...

What Not To Think About

Don’t think about pink elephants.

 Let me guess: you’re thinking of pink elephants, right? This is a pretty simple concept. When we try our hardest not to think about something, we end up thinking about that very thing. We do the exact opposite of what we...

Quit Trying So Hard.

Article by XXXChurch If you’re reading this, then you probably can relate with me that keeping yourself accountable from porn, or other sin, is difficult. Perhaps you deeply understand Paul’s sorrow when he wrote, “I do not understand what I do. For what I...