
These courses are designed for real people like you.
Experience the freedom God intended you to have!


X3pure provides online workshops for men, women, couples and parents. Each workshop lasts 30 days and is designed to help you take back control of your life.

Christian author & preacher Charles Swindoll recommends X3pure:
“X3pure is a brilliant solution for sexual purity in that it helps remove the largest barrier that Christians face when dealing with this issue: fear of disclosure. There are hundreds of thousands who need to get help overcoming pornography and other sexual sins. X3pure is a great way to provide the help they need. It is confidential, biblically sound, and is led by believers whom I know and trust.”

Michael, a X3pure Workshop user said:
“This workshop helped me in life-changing ways. His understanding of the recovery process and of what it takes to end the double-life was so helpful.”

Cost: $99 (Approx £59 or €73) for 15 chapters, streaming video sessions and a downloadable workbook.

Read about each workshop below.

X3pure Men’s Workshop

This workshop is for both single and married men. If you are struggling with pornography or sexual addictions, the X3pure workshop is perfect for you. Private, online and effective, the X3pure program can help you end the downward spiral of shame and alienation. Begin your recovery right now. Read more & sign up

X3pure Women’s Workshop

People of all descriptions grapple with an addiction to porn, or struggle with sex and issues from sexual abuse and misuse — especially women. But you can overcome these issues and the emptiness that comes with them; the X3pure workshop can help both single and married women begin the recovery process. Read more & sign up

X3pure Couple’s Workshop

The X3pure Workshop for Couples is an online marriage workshop designed for husbands and wives to enjoy in the privacy of their own home. This workshop will provide you with principles from God’s word that can transform your marriage, giving you a game plan for dealing with communication and conflict issues. Read more & sign up

X3pure Parent’s Workshop

The X3pure Workshop for Parents is an online workshop designed for parents to enjoy in the privacy of their own home. This workshop is full of life and humor, with an emphasis on application taught by Dave and Ann Wilson. Read more & sign up




If you struggle with porn addiction or sex addiction, X3groups can be a powerful part of your recovery. X3groups offer private, online groups for accountability, support, and practical next steps. These groups not only help in your battle with pornography addiction, but can also complement your work in groups like SLAA, Every Man’s Battle, or Celebrate Recovery.


“I like the group because it’s a place of grace and mercy. I don’t feel judged and I feel like I can be myself. Also the extra accountability is great as well.”

“The people and the structure has been pivotal and crucial to my sobriety. It has enabled me to live freely in the rest and grace of God, no longer labored and vexed by the weight of this sin. Now overcoming has given me new perspective and new hope for what’s in store.”

Cost: $30 for 30 days

Read more & sign up

