Five Ways To Be A Man When Dealing With Your Porn Habit

By Zachary Horner


It’s just a fact: men are more drawn to pornography than women, and most men view it. Show me a man, and it’s likely he’s looked at porn in the last month.

Here are the stats:

64% of men report that they view porn at least monthly. 47% of Christians say pornography is a major problem in their home. 40 millions U.S. adults regularly visit internet pornography websites.

But there’s a different definition of manhood, one that fights against porn and the addiction that is so prevalent.

Here are five ways to act like a man when dealing with your porn habit.

1. Own your habit. Men take responsibility for their mistakes.

Men often try to shove the blame for things they do on other people or circumstances. We’ll say, “Well, if only my wife had sex with me enough,” or, “It would be easier if the culture didn’t throw sex in my face.” Maybe those things are true sometimes, but they are not responsible your porn habit.

When confronted with the sin of sleeping with Bathsheba (not his wife) and ordering the murder of her husband on the battlefield, David owned up to his, saying, “I have sinned against the LORD.” David …read more

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